EUCU (Exeter UCU)

EUCU, the University of Exeter branch of the University and College Union represents over 1,200 professors, lecturers, researchers, graduate teaching assistants, doctoral students and academic-related staff at the University of Exeter. We work to protect and promote the professional interests of our fellow members, individually and collectively, to regulate the conditions of our employment and our relations with our employers, and to safeguard our interests, in line with UCU rules and the Trade Union Recognition Agreement.

Join us

As a branch our main work revolves around supporting staff. Issues at work need not be faced alone; our members have access to advice and representation provided by our local branch, with additional support from the UCU’s regional and national resources, including access to the best legal advice available.

Our branch is only as strong as its membership. The more members we have, the more influence we can exert.

Once you are a member, there are plenty of ways of getting more involved in the work of UCU to defend higher education and the pay and conditions of those who work in it.

UCU (University and College Union)

UCU is the largest trade union and professional association for academics, lecturers, trainers, researchers and academic-related staff working in further and higher education throughout the UK. it was formed in 2006 by the amalgamation of the Association of University Teachers and NATFHE – The University  and College Lecturers’ Union.

If you’d like to know more about UCU, our national campaigns and international work, see: